Stories of Us - May 4, 2018

Stories of Us - May 4, 2018
Posted on 05/04/2018
Partnership Educators,

Mrs. Porter stands before her seniors in the public speaking class at Picayune Memorial High School on the first day.   The door flings open, in walks a hulking figure of a student, and he says, “What’s up?”  Mrs. Porter stares at the student dumbfounded and he repeats his greeting once more, “What’s up?”  The first thought from Mrs. Porter is, Why is this happening to me on my first day of class when I’m trying to set the tone.  As she takes a deep breath, gathers her composure, she begins to watch her new student’s non-verbal language.  In her mind, refocused, she tells herself “I’ve got this.” 

She finally replies to DJ saying, “I noticed that you were late to my room.  That’s Ok because you probably couldn’t find it.”  DJ stares at his teacher with a look that says - whatever.  Mrs. Porter continues, “Well have a seat.”  

DJ then looks at his teacher and says, “Do you have any kids?”

“Actually, your name is DJ or Mr. Batiste, I have two and I just informed the class about it but because you missed my room, you didn’t hear.”

“So are you married?” DJ continues.

“Actually, I just told the class that I have been married for thirty years.”

The student steps back and replies in a shocked voice, “Thirty Years!”  He folds his arms, leans on his back leg, looks her up and down and says, “Don’t you think it is time for a change?”

A smile grew on Mrs. Porter’s face and she answers, “Do you go to the doctor when your well?”

With a strange look on his face DJ shouts, “No, you go when you’re sick.”

“Do you come to school when you know everything?” she continues.

“I guess not. I guess you come to supposedly to learn.” DJ replies indignantly.

“Well, you have a lot to learn and I can’t wait to teach you.” She states.  “What I noticed more importantly about you?  You have charisma.  Do you know what that means?”   

“I’m cute?” he replies.

The entire class laughs and Mrs. Porter replies, “Something like that, but really you just know how to work a room.  I have been thinking as we have been talking and I give jobs to people in my class.  You know anything about jobs in school?”

“Oh yeah, in Kindergarten I was the line leader” he answers.

“Well, we don’t have a line leader in High School but we have more appropriate jobs and it usually takes a week or so to figure out what jobs fit which student.   I do surveys with the kids and we tell a little bit about ourselves but you know what DJ, I do not need to do all that with you.  Because you are innately designed to be a greeter.”

“A greeter, what’s that?” he responds.

Watch these videos to continue this story.  You will not regret it. (Gang Leader to Graduate) the continuation of the story. (Graduation - Donna Porter & DJ Batiste) Teacher and student addressing teachers together. (One Grandmother, One Difficult Child, One Story)

Some of our greatest challenges will be our greatest triumphs and hard work pays off when we are changing lives.

Have a fantastic weekend,


Redding Elementary School District

New Millennium Partnership

5885 East Bonnyview Rd.

Redding, Ca 96001

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