Staff Update - Stories of Us April 3, 2020

Staff Update - Stories of Us April 3, 2020
Posted on 04/03/2020
Partnership Educators,
Wednesday, Governor Newsom and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond suggested that all California schools might remain closed to students and the public through the end of the 2019-2020 school year as a result of increased COVID-19 cases throughout the state.  The extension of school closures reaffirms his intentions for everyone in California to "stay at home" in order to protect public health.  We, at the Redding, Shasta, and Igo Ono School Districts are doing all we can to follow the "stay at home" order while still working to fulfill the mandate to educate our students during these times. 
Our amazing kitchen staff are continuing to support our community with meals each week and will be continuing their work over Spring Break.  Our custodians and maintenance staff continue to come into work to be able to support the cleanliness of the school while work is still being performed at the campus.  They are modifying their schedules in order to accommodate the 'Stay at Home" order as much as possible.
Redding, Shasta, and Igo Ono School District staff, (including teachers, counselors, speech therapists, resource staff, administrators, and others) are working to support our students and families in a variety of ways with Distance Learning. Grade level teachers chose key concepts to cover each week and have organized them into daily work by grade level. Counselors are building online support and contact schedules.  Speech teachers are making videos and connecting with their children In order to better serve our families.  
Our teachers will be organizing a contact schedule with their classes and determining how to best support children with these learning activities. Based on individual needs we will attempt to provide the appropriate support.
  • For those able to access materials online and work with them online, this can be arranged with their teacher. (Online work and connections will confirm the child's learning. Return of packets to school may not be required.)
  • For those unable to use online processes, a weekly paper packet will be provided. Phone check-in may be used to connect with children while they complete the paper packet. (Completed packets will be returned to school.)
Know that these processes may change over time as we continue to modify in order to better serve our Redding, Shasta, and Igo Ono District, families.  We start Distance Learning on April 14th!
We know we are missed when we get communications like these.  "We know that you all are working so hard and just wanted to say thanks for what you are doing for our children.  We are glad that we are in this district." or "Thanks for this, my child's face lit up when she saw her teacher on the video." These are just a few of the comments that we have received online and in our email.  What we do matters in the hearts of our students.
Please stay in touch with your principal about what is going on.  At this point, we aren't sure but we may be supporting the distance learning process until the end of the school year.  When we are confronted with an unprecedented public health challenge like the rapid spread of COVID-19, our actions today will be part of determining our future.  While these are difficult times, working together we make it better for our children and ourselves.  Please stay healthy, safe, and follow the "Stay at Home" order as you can.  If you are needed to help with our educational mandate, we will work together to stay safe.  Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need assistance.

I will continue to email each week and try to articulate our next phase of planning as soon as I am able.

Sincerely and stay safe,

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