Student Helpers

Student Helpers – Student helpers, or monitors, can do a lot more for the classroom than making things easier for you. Being a student helper promotes responsibility and helps students feel ownership of the classroom and its contents.

Decide what jobs to assign to students –  Some things to consider:

  • Doing the job should not impact a student’s learning time.
  • Jobs must be safe for the student to do.
  • Jobs must be something that really needs to be done and enhances the classroom environment or helps get work done. Jobs should not be busywork.
  • Jobs should be periodically rotated.

Some Typical Jobs

  • Paper monitor
  • Line leader
  • Hall monitor
  • Lunch helper
  • Library helper/re-shelver
  • Flag leader
  • Computer support
  • Homework collector
  • Pencil monitor
  • Calendar monitor
  • P.E. equipment monitor
  • Whiteboard monitor

Determine how you want each job to be done – 

  • Calendar monitor – at the beginning of class each day, the calendar monitor will change the date on the class calendar, check the weather on the Internet site, and update the day’s weather on the board.
  • Pencil monitor – At the end of class each day, the pencil monitor will sharpen all the dull pencils collected in the dull pencils can and place them in the sharp pencils can.

Preventive Management Strategies –

Teach students how to do each job- At the beginning of the year, model and teach each job so that every student can do each job. Make no assumptions – students may not know how to sharpen pencils or how to pass out papers the way you would like. Check for understanding and, if needed, periodically re-teach the jobs, especially if new students come into the classroom.

Fairly assign jobs – Some jobs will be more popular than others, and although you may appreciate student enthusiasm over being assigned these particular jobs, you do not want students to continually clamor for them.  Have a fair system for choosing student helpers and keeping track of who has done what job with a chart is important.

Use a buddy system – Periodically allow a helper to select a friend to assist with his or her job. Working together will make the job more enjoyable and may even encourage students to complete the task in less time.


Student-Jobs-Handhout - Many Job ideas as well as guidelines



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