Going to the Restroom

Student Going to Restroom

There will be times when students will need to go the restroom during class.  If students must ask for permissions, it tends to interrupt the instructional flow.  A simple procedure can respect student needs and assure their prompt return with minimal disruption.

Determine Your Policy for Restroom Use – Your policy may consider many factors, including student age and their level of responsibility.

  • Most schools require students to carry a hall pass to identify their classroom and where they are going. Place near the door in a visible place so students can see if it is available.
  • Some teachers require students to raise hand first to request the hall pass.  A nod from the teachers can suffice.
  • Older students may be allowed to leave by themselves but younger sometimes use a buddy system.
  • Most teachers only allow one student at a time or one boy and one girl.

Keep Track of Students Who Leave – To help track students who leave to use the restroom, make a vertical chart listing each student’s name. Put two clothespins at the top of the chart – One marked “boys” and one marked “girls”. If a student gets the nod to use the restroom, he or she clips the clothespin next to his or her name.  You can tell at a glance who is gone from the room.


Take the younger student to the restroom – Make sure all students know where the restrooms are located. On the first day of school, you may want to take students on a quick tour to show them how to find the restroom.

Teacher the younger students appropriate restroom behavior – Teach students appropriate restroom manners. Discuss how to walk into the restroom, knock quietly to be sure a stall is empty, flush the toilet after use, wash hands, and throw away paper towels in the proper place.

Emergencies – Let students know that if they have a personal emergency and need to go to the bathroom very quickly, they can come up to you to let you know and then immediately leave.

Be Alert – Be alert for special physical concerns that require a high frequency of restroom visits. Similarly, be aware of students who may take advantage of the policy.



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