Stories of Us - May 22, 2020

Stories of Us - May 22, 2020
Posted on 05/22/2020
Partnership Educators,

May 18-22 is Classified School Employee Appreciation Week and the New Millenium Partnership Districts of Redding, Shasta, and Igo Ono would like to take this opportunity to thank our classified employees for their dedication, adaptability, professionalism, and resiliency during this unprecedented time. Classified employees work side-by-side with administrators, teachers, and staff, making it possible for our district to maintain operations and to continue serving our students and families.   We would like to fully recognize and appreciate the importance of all of our classified employees’ contributions.

Enjoy all of these pics from yesterday's events.  We really enjoyed seeing everyone that came.

Education is a vital service that is at the heart of our community and we could not provide the highest quality educational experience we can envision without our classified employees. Happy Classified School Employee Appreciation Week and thank you for all you do for our community. 

2020-21 School Year:

The first day of school for the coming year is still planned to be August 12, 2020.  With just two weeks of school left, there is no way to accurately predict how the schools will start next year.  While it is too early to determine the course we will take, we will be prepared for all options.  To that end, we sent home a survey to our families to get a feel for what they are currently thinking in terms of the coming year.  Let me be clear in that I 100 % believe that the best place for our students is with our teachers and classified staff face-to-face.  I don't know at this time if this will be allowed but we are preparing for that scenario as well as others.  Here are the variety of options that we will need to prepare for:


  • Return to School Full-Time
  • Continue Full-Time Distance or Virtual Learning
  • Hybrid Model of On-Campus and Virtual Learning
  • Full Home School or Independent Study
Thanks for all that you are doing for our students and families.  Please continue to keep them in your thoughts as we know that many of our students, if not all, are feeling a real sense of loss while they are not coming to school each day.   My heart goes out to our students and staff who cannot connect.  I miss kids.   
Stay connected with your school over the summertime.   This will be a very fluid process as we plan for the coming year.  
Have a fantastic weekend,



Redding Elementary School District

New Millennium Partnership

5885 East Bonnyview Rd.

Redding, Ca 96001

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