Stories of Us - May 29. 2020

Stories of Us - May 29, 2020
Posted on 05/29/2020
Partnership Educators,

Bevin Strickland of High Point North Carolina was comfortably watching the news showing the hospitals in New York City becoming overwhelmed when a switch flipped inside her.  "I was like, wait a minute, why am I sitting here?"  Bevin, a nurse, had just contracted a serious case of empathy.  "I was imagining the nurses being so exhausted, so stressed out and I thought I could just go and relieve a shift for them."  That was two months ago.  Today she is working at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Queens, New York, which is the epicenter of the outbreak in New York City.  She isn't technically a volunteer, she has to get paid for legal reasons but Bevin plans to donate everything she makes after expenses to the Mt. Sinai support staff.  She is a single mom with twin 16 year-old boys at home and when asked why they said yes to their mom going to the epicenter of the crisis they replied, "Life isn't just to serve yourself but to also serve others."  They didn't fall far from the tree as Bevin says it like this.  "I believe it is our duty.  We should be compelled to do something when we can."    

Thanks to all of you who are standing up and doing what is right for our students and families.  As we finish out this school year and begin to look to the coming school year we know that there is still much to stand up and get done.  I have no doubt that we will do it.  It is still my stance that we will try and make this coming year as normal as possible for our students.  They deserve it and we crave it.  I miss going to the schools and seeing the kids and I know you do as well.  I know that many of you are seeking answers to questions that you have.  Here are some that I have heard.  What will the start of the school year look like? Will we have a reduced school year?  Will kids be going half days?  Will masks be required?  What types of instruction will be allowed?  I don't have all the answers to these questions yet but know that we are well aware of the questions in your minds and it is our plan to have kids at school for the start of the year on August 12, 2020.  Hopefully, as normal as possible.  Our students deserve no less than for us to help them get back to our caring embrace of learning.

Using sanitizing/disinfectant wipes: As a friendly reminder, sanitizing wipes cannot be used by anyone that hasn't completed training.  If you are interested, we invite you to take the introductory course to be prepared for the 2020-21 school year.  To access the training, please click on the link below.  You will be directed to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.  Once you have created an account and are logged in, you will want to complete DRP 104: Integrated Germ Management.  This is just an introductory course for schools and child care centers.  Upon completion you can print your certificate of completion and have it available for viewing in your work area.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Cindy Trujillo at HR.    

8th Grade Graduations:  All schools have recorded and are working on Graduation video productions that will be put together and given to the families as well as posted online.  These are productions that have the timing and feel of a real ceremony.  Special thanks goes to each school staff and Seth for pulling these off.  I am certain our families are going to love having the video to share with their extended families and for future viewing. 

Stellar Charter:

Drive Through Celebration Thursday, May 28, 2020 7 pm at the District Office Drive Way

Turtle Bay:

Drive Through Celebration Wednesday, June 3, 2020 @ 10 am at Turtle Bay School

Shasta Elementary:

Drive Through Celebration Wednesday, June 3, 2020 @ 10 am at Shasta Elementary

Juniper School:

Drive Through Celebration Wednesday, June 3, 2020 @ 12 pm (noon) at Juniper School

Igo Ono:

Drive Through Celebration Wednesday, June 3, 2020 @ 2 pm at Igo Ono School

Sequoia Middle School:

Virtual Graduation Video will go live @ 7 pm on June, 3, 2020 and then a Drive Through Graduation Celebration at the Sequoia Bus Loop

Enjoy the weekend,




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