Stories of Us - March 29, 2018

Stories of Us - March 29, 2018
Posted on 03/29/2018
Partnership Educators,

I wish everyone a great time off this coming week or a great time at your job while others are off letting you really do your job this week.  Just kidding.   Thanks, everyone for your continued efforts to make a difference.

I am sharing another writers story this week.    Bob Selden is an author of the book, "Don't: How using the right words will change your life"  Enjoy the story and thanks for changing kid's lives every day through your positive efforts.

The Train Story – a journey, an experience, and a feeling!

I was traveling by train from Circular Quay to Central (in Sydney) one morning some years ago. Quietly sitting there reading, I found myself suddenly listening to the train guard’s announcements. Now train travelers reading this will readily testify that when the guard makes an announcement, rather than the recorded message, it is often quite dull or hard to understand. Whether it is the recorded message or the guard’s message, few people (apart from tourists) listen to these messages.

This one was different.

As I looked up from my paper, I noticed that other passengers (previously engrossed in their smartphones or tablets) were also looking up and appeared to be listening. Not only that, everyone was smiling!

Why was so much attention being paid to this message?

As best I can recall, the guard said something along these lines, “Good Morning Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, this is the 7.35am from Perth to Central and you’ll be pleased to know that we are right on time. This means that we will get you to where you are going in plenty of time. What a lovely morning it is in Sydney today. The sun is shining, the temperature is about 21 degrees, birds are singing, and all’s right with the world. I trust you have a great day wherever you are going. Thanks for catching my train this morning and I hope to see you again soon. Have a great day.”

Wow! Have you ever heard an announcement like that? I certainly had not.

How contagious was it? As well as getting everyone smiling, quite a few people (obviously previously strangers) started talking to one another. They were all talking about the guard’s fabulous message and how good it had made everyone feel.

I started thinking about this and as I exited the train at Central, I approached the Guard’s cabin and started to thank him, to which the guard replied: “Don’t know what you’re talking about mate, I’ve just come on”.  I asked where the other guard had gone and he pointed to the exit stairs.

I raced down the stairs, taking them two at a time, and caught the young guard at the bottom. He had obviously finished his shift and was on his way home.

I tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Were you the guard on the 7.35 from Perth?”

The guard seemed a bit stunned at first replying, “Yes, yyyyes.” (In hindsight, I think I too would have been a bit stunned if someone had approached me like that).

Pressing on I said, “Well, I just wanted to thank you for your fabulous message this morning on the way from Circular Quay to Central. The message was so upbeat and pleasant. Most importantly, it got everyone’s attention and had everyone smiling. Thank you so much for giving me and the other passengers such a good start to the day. Please keep doing it.”

There are two messages for me in what happened that day. Firstly, when people act happy in their work it shows in what they do and say.

Secondly, the story highlights the benefits that can accrue from thanking people for something they have done, particularly when it is not expected. Can you imagine the conversation that guard would have when he got home . . .  “Guess what happened to me today - a customer actually thanked me!” 



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