Stories of Us - August 18, 2017

Stories of Us - August 18, 2017
Posted on 08/18/2017
Hello Partnership Educators,
What a wonderful start to the year.  I have really enjoyed walking the schools and seeing the kids and listening to the great things going on within the classes.  I truly have never seen a better start to the year than this one.   Thanks for your hard work and dedication to exceptional programs.  We are on our way!
As we think about our interactions with students and help them build their stories, keep in mind what James Baldwin, author-playwright, and novelist, wrote: "Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."   
As I watched my son read a story to his kids, I was amazed.  We had this book, maybe you have heard of it, Curious George and the Pizza Maker when our kids were little.  I loved to read to the kids and I would animate my actions and use voices with the characters to really get into the story.  Well on this particular night, my son was reading Curious George and the Pizza Maker to his kids.  As I sat and watched and listened, he began to use the same animations and voices that I used some 20 some odd years earlier.    A very heartfelt moment I'll always remember.  Our kids are always watching.
Celebrate Mistakes
Teach kids to embrace challenges that lead to mistakes
Make challenges the new comfort zone
Praise the Process, Not the Person
Don’t praise smartness
Focus on process student used
Give Tasks That Promote Struggle and Growth
Open tasks provide opportunities to struggle
Assessments For A Growth Mindset
Diagnostic feedback with formative assessments
Summative assessments showing performance of learning
Teach Students Optimistic Self-Talk

Have a wonderful weekend,



Redding Elementary School District

New Millennium Partnership

5885 East Bonnyview Rd.

Redding, Ca 96001

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